Outlook checks all my email accounts with no POP3 or IMAP errors.

Except, no iCloud Addin or Contacts yet (of course). I find that everything has already been automatically migrated back-in (Data-Files, Profiles, Accounts, etc.) Started up Outlook 2021 (64bit) for the first time. Tested apps like Word and Excel – All working fine. Looks like it does a Full-Install of all apps. Installed Microsoft Office Pro 2021 (64-bit) with Outlook-2021 (64-bit). Uninstalled Microsoft Office Pro 2016 (32-bit) – You have to if you want to install a newer 64-bit version Signed-out of iCloud-for-Windows v7.21 – I let it delete any local files (my Contacts are safe, up in the iCloud) Note 2: I use iCloud Photo Library (and occasionally off-load photos and videos to local storage). Note 1: I only have one local Contact setup in Outlook. I did a Full-System Backup of my Windows-10 Pro (64-bit) system (I like using Macrium-Reflect). Also, my current iCloud-for-Windows settings. I documented my Outlook Profile (and related things). I took detailed notes, but here are the abbreviated directions: TL DR – It was a fairly easy install, and everything is working fine. Microsoft Office Pro 2021 (64-bit) with Outlook-2021 (64-bit) and the latest iCloud-for-Windows v13.0 (from Microsoft Store)

So, I just got finished upgrading my Microsoft Office Pro 2016 (32-bit) with Outlook-2016 (32-bit) and iCloud-for-Windows v7.21